Choices in learning
In our classes, teachers give students choices as often as possible while still meeting the requirements of school registration with the NSW Education Standards Authority. Children as young as five might choose topics for Personal Interest Projects, classes might choose topics to study as a group in the area of Science and Technology, for instance, or decide on a text book for Spelling.
On a daily basis, children might have choice about where to sit for various activities or in what order to complete tasks. They might set their own goals and develop their own timetable or they might negotiate with their teacher to spend time on a particular topic of their choice.
Including students in decisions such as these helps to ensure their motivation and engagement with their own learning is strong. It encourages the development of self-confidence in themselves as effective and self-regulated learners.
Democratic processes encourage students to take responsibility for both their own behaviour as members of the school community and for their own personal learning journey.
Class meetings
Class Meetings are held weekly in every class group. They are chaired by students and follow an agenda of topics proposed by students and teachers.
Discussions include voting if decisions are to be made, for instance about excursions or class equipment. Sometimes there are reminders about previously made agreements or upcoming events. Often an issue will be talked through to consensus but if this is not possible, a majority vote will carry the decision.