Enrolment information

The Enrolment Process

Primary Enrolment Process

The first step towards possible enrolment begins with attendance at one of our Information Mornings. We run Information Mornings once a term throughout the year.

Preschool Enrolment Process

 For families that are interested in enrolling their child in preschool, we ask that you download and complete an expression of interest form. Once completed please email it back to our Preschool Director, Katrina, at katrinaA@currambena.nsw.edu.au. You will receive an email response from her within five working days, acknowledging receipt of your completed form. Please note that completing an expression of interest form does not guarantee your child a place in the preschool.

  The enrolment process for positions in preschool begins in August/September of each year for the start of the following year. Offers are also made throughout the year when vacancies arise.

  It is mandatory that you have attended an information morning before the process of enrolment can commence. There is a scheduled whole school information morning once a term, as well as impromptu preschool information mornings being held as demand requires.

The Public Health Act requires that all children who attend preschool from January 2018 be immunised. Children who cannot be fully vaccinated due to a medical condition or who are on a recognised catch-up schedule will still be able to be enrolled upon presentation of the appropriate form signed by a medical practitioner.

The Expression of Interest form can be downloaded here.   Expression of Interest


Currambena fees

2024 Enrolment Fee

  • Primary: $900
  • Preschool: $550 for children who turn 4 before July 31st and $650 for children who turn 4 after July 31st of the calendar year
  • This is not refundable.

Maintenance levy: Each family is required to do 10 hours per term of building/garden maintenance, assistance in the classrooms, committee meetings, library work or pay $35 per hour (See Parents and Carers section for more details).

Annual injury insurance: $10 per child

Building fund donation: $62 per family

2024 Primary fees

  • $2143 per term 
  • $80 excursion and book fee payable each term

2024 Preschool fees

Please contact the school for information regarding preschool fees.

There is an administration fee of $100 for fees not paid by the due date without prior arrangement.


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