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Chaired by Bodhi and Aven (Amelia’s Class)

Bodhi and Aven opened the meeting by reading their class’ Acknowledgement to Country. It was beautifully read by the pair.

Sand Pit by Katrina

  • Katrina wanted to remind everyone to please play with the sand only inside the sandpit and not move it up to preschool or outside of its designated area.

Skipping ropes by Wendy and Rome

  • A reminder from Wendy and Rome to be responsible for packing away any school equipment used as the skipping ropes have been left out on a number of occasions.
  • Rome spoke beautifully reminding everyone that it is each persons’ responsibility to pack up after themselves and it is not fair to leave resources out for others to pack away.

Jump Rope for Heart by Wendy

  • Wendy wanted to congratulate everyone for participating in the Jump Rope for Heart this year. We have raised over $2,300 so far! Wendy will keep the donation site open so they can still be donated to, and to let everyone know that prizes will not be handed out until next term.

Sustaining by Wendy

  • In preparation for the 55th Anniversary on Saturday, Wendy asked for everyone’s help to clean and organise the school grounds beautifully for the 300+ guests we will have!

Art Hanging by Chris

  • Chris also wanted to let everyone know about the jobs being done around the school for the Art Exhibition at the 55th celebrations. He also asked for anyone that had not completed their artworks to come to the craft room today as a last chance to finish them.

End of school meeting!

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Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Jump Rope event last week! It has been wonderful to see all the skipping in the playground as children continue to improve their skills and get some terrific exercise!

So far, we have raised $2,835 as a school for the Heart Foundation and there is still time to sign up and add to this total.

If you go to this website you can sign your child up so their efforts can be recognised. If you email all your friends and relatives about it, they can donate online and your child can record their skipping activity, even if retrospectively. It’s such a good cause and skipping is such good exercise!

Congratulations to the children who have raised this money so far! Our school account will remain open for two more weeks.

Here is a brief report from Grace about the Jump Rope event at school:

For the Heart Foundation I did a lot of skipping activities,
about 10 minutes each activity. Every time I did 10-15
minutes of 1 activity, I would get a little smiley face on my
hand, if I got 2 I could have some fruit. I got 6 smiley faces
so I did 60-90 minutes of skipping. I volunteered to do an
activity called helicopter where someone swings half a
skipping rope above their head and then let go 1 half of the
rope and spins it around on the ground. This needs about
12 or more people to jump over the rope, and if it hits
someone they are out, it keeps going until there is only one
person standing.

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Hello everyone,

There’s been a lot of excitement this week in anticipation of the big birthday bash for Currambena on Saturday as well as the excursion to the Australian Museum on Thursday 19th September. A reminder to those families that have children attending on Thursday we need you to return the permission form and pay $17 to cover the cost of the coach that will be taking us there.

Children’s Group Time and End of Day Activity continues to be the highlight of many of the children’s day. It’s lovely to see how creative the children have become thinking up and explaining their games to each other.

We made it to the park on Monday for the first time in a few weeks. We brought some crackers to enjoy as a treat when we got there and enjoyed playing on the equipment and the large patch of grass. Having morning meeting at 9:15 allowed us time to get to the park and back at preschool with plenty of time to spare to buy canteen food.

We’ll be attending the library on Wednesday and will continue holding morning meeting at 9:15 on both Monday and Wednesday so please arrive as close as possible to 9am to give everyone enough time to settle into preschool and get ready to head off into the wider Lane Cove community.

Group times have covered a range of interesting experiences ranging from pillow fighting to volcanoes as well as letter making and the commencement of a preschool letter box for children to use to post letters to their parents on the way out of Currambena of a morning.

That’s it for this week!


Katrina, Lisa, Abi and Anna


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Hi all,

Our excursion is coming up this Thursday! The class is very excited. If you have mentioned to me you are free to come and help please send me an email so I can confirm numbers.

This week we spent time investigating the Brachiosaurus – “Armed Lizard”. We have written some facts and drawn some interpretive illustrations on what they ‘may’ have looked like.

We kept on the theme of dinosaurs when we looked at subtraction and addition. This week we looked at the symbols to match the words we know. For example: minus, take away, subtraction and the symbol – ; addition, and, plus, add, + ; as well as equals, is, =.

We also studied fossils and how they are made, and created some moving fossilised remains of dinosaurs by cutting out and sticking together paper bones with split pins.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

All the best,


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Hi Everyone,

Rock climbing for sport this week was a lot of fun. Despite some hold-ups checking in, all the children got a chance to climb, testing their courage and resolve. Some children climbed all the way to the top to touch the ceiling whilst others took smaller steps, testing different pathways and listening to their bodies warning signs telling them when they were ready to come down. Thank you to all the parents who came along. It was quite a logistical feat but we made it happen on the day!

Whilst the elders in both classes were completing their PIP’s, I had fun with the younger group, testing out our design and construction skills. We made boats from foil, with the goal to hold as many marbles as possible. Most sank before they could hold 10 marbles, but a couple held marbles into the 20 ‘s and 30′s with the record being 49! It was a lot of wet fun!

In English we have continued to explore narratives, with the children brainstorming simple 3-part plots. One or two characters in an introduction, a complication and a resolution. The children drew these in cartoon form with simple written summaries of the parts to assist in the development of their visualisation skills.

In maths we have been playing dice games and looking at ways that various timetables (skip counting) interact with one another on a hundreds chart.

Our lesson about eyes is definitely going ahead, thank you for those people who contacted me in regards to the dissection. We are, however, a little pushed for time this term, so it’s possible we may have to schedule for the beginning of term 4. Stay tuned!

Have a happy weekend!


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Hi everyone,

It was so nice to be back on Friday to see the children. I had a lovely welcome back to an incredibly busy day in preparation for the 55th celebrations!

All reports from the teachers that supported the children this week in my absence were overwhelmingly positive, and incredibly impressed by the children’s resilience, flexibility, and adaptability during so much change!

Some key things from this week:

  • Exploring the narrative structure with Susan
  • Rock climbing with Jess’ class on Tuesday
  • Organising final creations in Craft for the art exhibition
  • Most of the PIPs are completed with Archana’s help
  • Organising our classroom to display the children’s beautiful works of art

I am glad to be back and look forward to getting back into the routine with the children.

Amelia x

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Hi everyone………. I’m back!

After a nasty flu knocked me down and I went through the arduous process of moving, I returned on Friday. It was so lovely to see the children again who all said they had a good week with Amanda, Fin and James. Some of the things the children were supported with were their story writing and measurement – looking specifically at Mass and measuring things in grams and kilograms. They worked on their spelling unit for the week and James did a quiz with them on Thursday, as all children had completed their unit for the week! They played a numbers/drawing game where they threw dice and created monsters from the number on the dice. We tidied our room a bit on Friday, transforming the space into a mini exhibition for the birthday.

It was lovely to see the children’s art work displayed on Saturday and so many people attending the school’s birthday celebrations. Thanks to everybody who helped behind and in front of the scene to bring it together, especially the committee who organised it.

Next week, we have a whole school excursion to the Australian Museum on Thursday. This will be for the whole day and I would love 1-2 parent helpers (with WWCC) to come along for the ride, if possible. Let me know if you’re able.

CAMP: Term 4 is when we start getting ready for camp. Historically, this has usually occurred either in week 7 or 8 of the term. We get through school concert and then start our prep for camp. However, Mowbray Park, where we have been attending – forever – is sadly selling up at the end of November. So, the dates are now a little sooner than originally planned. Week 6: Wednesday, 20th – Friday, 22nd is now locked in for us to attend this farm stay, in Picton. Some prep you can do between now and then is sleepovers. If your child has not yet had a night away from you then a way to prepare them would be to organise this with a family member and/or friend. It’s not essential for an easy transition but it can help support those who may be more sensitive to being away from you. With the holidays coming up I just thought I’d mention this now. But more details will come through next term.

That’s us for this week.

Love, Sarah

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What a fun week it has been!

On Monday, we watched a film made by a very talented and committed young Sydney man, Kal Glanznig, about efforts being made to clean up the oceans, reduce plastic use and recycle more. The film is called “Rising Up” and we hope to organise a whole school showing of the film soon. Children made notes while they watched and it’s very impressive to see their skills at this increase so steadily. Meg has been doing some work with them on note taking over the past few weeks and it really shows!

On Tuesday, we went bush walking down to Tambourine Bay for PE. It was a lovely afternoon and we had a little time to play before we set off back to school. It was fun to listen to everyone chatting as they walked and enjoying being out in the fresh air. I’m hoping we might manage a few more bush walks before the weather gets too hot. Please make sure all the children have wide brimmed hats at school every day so that we can go out spontaneously if we decide to and all be sun safe now that the UV level is over 5 most days.

On Thursday we had another event, this time organised for us by Lane Cove Council! It was held at Synergy, and was a Intergenerational Yarning and Weaving event. We learnt from an Indigenous artist, Virginia, from Brewarrina how to weave raffia around a circle at the same time, chatting with some older members of the Lane Cove community. We had some morning tea and did some drawings… and the children’s work will be incorporated into a major project that Virginia is working on. Again, it was a very lovely morning. We were all asked to give one word to describe how the morning felt for us and many of the children said things like peaceful, interesting, calming, therapeutic. It was the first event of this kind hosted by Council and was certainly a success and I felt very proud when the organisers commented on how lovely the kids were, so engaged in the activities and also so polite.

Back at school in our academic work this week, we have been working on measuring area, finding and creating axes of symmetry and exploring rotational symmetry. In English, we are analysing sentences for grammatical concepts, practising punctuation and using connectives to make short sentences more interesting. We created mini PIPs on important historical people this week, too, and some of these have already been presented. Our Term 3 PIPs are almost all complete now, proof reading done and palm cards being made. Presentations will start in the coming week.

I hope to be able to confirm the Booderee camp dates by the end of this week. There are a few things to check for this, sorry. Many thanks to those who have expressed interest in coming with us.

In the next two weeks, we also need help with the Museum excursion on Thursday 19th, this week. We have buses booked and it would be great to have a few parent helpers so our class can go around in small groups and follow their own interests. Please let me know if you’re available that day. Buses leave school at 9:30 so everyone needs to be at school on time at 9am.

The group would also like to go trampolining for our last PE session on Tuesday 24th. This will need drivers and helpers to stay with us for a two hour session, exact timing to be decided. Please let me know asap if you might be able to help with this.

If you haven’t already had your parent interview, please email me so we can find a suitable day and time. I would really like to complete all interviews before the holidays.

And lastly, congratulations to Olivia, Mikee and the team who created such a fabulous 55th birthday celebration for Currambena on Saturday! Brilliant work by all the helpers on the day, especially the setting up and packing up helpers, the bakers, the lemonade sellers, the band, my guitar group and everyone involved. It was great to see so many amazing people there, so many of them expressing such happiness in being there, sharing their memories and reconnecting with friends, exploring the space and celebrating the achievement of the school reaching this milestone! Congratulations Currambena!

Hope you all have a great week.

Wendy x

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