
Many former students, families and staff continue to have a relationship with Currambena for years after their own school years.
Some return to enrol their own children and others participate in the classroom, at events, as student teachers or just to drop in and say hello. We love to hear about how life after Currambena is for our alumni and welcome letters, emails and articles with news.
Going back in time a bit now, but some things don’t change – In 1995, an Alumni survey was done by the third year survey research students of Macquarie University: “Overall, this is a picture of largely happy, responsible, high-achieving young people who generally regard their Currambena experience with great affection and appreciation.”
Currambena alumni of all ages are invited to send their comments, pictures, anecdotes and memories of the school by e-mail to
What happens after Currambena? This is a frequent question, with many different nuances. “Preparation for High School” sessions are conducted for interested students and their parents. Alumni regularly attend these to offer their observations and experiences. Generally speaking the consensus seems to be that Currambena prepares them well to deal with the different environments that they may encounter. Below are some contributions from currambena alumni.
David Heilpern in October 2007 offered his memories and the closing comment that
I can honestly attribute much of my success to my years at Currambena, for it gave me a love of learning that seems so rare these days, especially among boys.
Nathalie Thibaux contributed a lovely “thank you” poem on 24 June 2004. She came back to Currambena to do her “prac” with Wendy’s class.
Amy Mortimer came back to Currambena in 2000 to conduct a study in partial fulfillment of her Masters of Teaching. Click here for an extract describing her motivation or download her full paper (PDF).